Seated Raymond & Pearl
Standing Raymond, Richard, Elwin,
Ellen, & Robert Hale
Seated Raymond & Pearl
Standing Robert, Raymond, Ellen,
Richard & Elwin Hale
Raymond & Pearl with Grandkids
Tom, Grandma Pearl and Robert Hale1948
Militaty : Robert a. Hale , 35-051-405 , Tecnician Fifth Grade , U.S. Army ,
907 Engineer Air Force Headquarters Co . 14th Air force . Honorably doscarged at Unit B Separation Center #45 , Indiantown
Gap Military Reservation , Pa . on Dec . 30 1945 . General : Retired from Nortn Plastics , Conneaut
, Ohio . He served in the U.s. Army during WW-II and was awarded a Bronze
Star for drivinig a 2 1/2 ton truck over the Berma Rd . into China . He said " sometimes
the road was so bad they had to have a bulldizer hook onto them to pull them out . " he had " umpteen cases of beer
he had bought and he was going to sell in China , but whenthey heard the war was over him and
his friends celebrated drinking it all , ther went his profit . When Bob's parents , Ray and Pearl Hale , were
in their final years , and couldn't take care of themselves , they moved in with Bob and Gerry . Bob and Gerry took
care of them until thier deaths . A lot has to be said for people who treat their parents this wonderful. ~~~~~~
Robert Hale in Picture below
Tom Hale and his Mother Geraldine 1950
Tom Hale
Tom Hale at Grandparents 1951
Tom Hale 1961
Geraldine Hale 1961
Tom Hales mom
Robert & Geraldine Hales Home
Monroe Center Rd 1990s
Robert & Geraldine Smock Hales Home
On Route 7
Ellen Hale 1950's
at Raymond & Pearls Home
on Monroe Center Rd.
Robert & Tom Hale 1951
Hale Grandkids
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