Monroe Township, Ashtabula Co, Ohio

Homes & Business Photos

Monroe School Program - TOM SAWYER 1959
Grocery Stores
Race Track 1940
Past Families of Monroe Township
Kelloggsville 1874
Kelloggsville Bridges
Bushnell House & Tombstone
Past Businesses
Map 2002
Map 1870
Homes & Business Photos
Monroe Police
Monroe Grange Kids
One Room Schools
Monroe School Class Photos
School Photos
Monroe 4H
Monroe Tigers Year Book
Clarks Cor. School
Monroe Methodist Church
Cemetery Records
Cemetery Diagram

Homes & Businesses

Monroe Old Fellow & Rebekah Lodge
Located on the southwest corner of
State Rt. 7 & Monroe Ctr. Rd.
This photo is facing North. 
This home was built by Julius Benson.  It was a  large pleasant home with a ballroom upstairs. It was purchased in 1916 by Roy & Nora Dean who operated a store in the front part for about 2 years. After Mrs. Deans death in 1918, Mr. Dean sold it to the Monroe I.O.O.F. who enlarged the ballroom & held public dances every two weeks on Friday nights during the 20's, 30's & 40's.  People danced to the the Van Gorder's Orchestra & The Missouri Fox Hunters.


George Felch Store & House Monroe Ctr.
Located  just South from Monroe Ctr. Rd.
on the West side.  This photo is facing North.
The Store had a dance hall above it and was the scene of many social gatherings.  The store burned in 1917.  The house is located North of it and is still there.
Mrs. Kate Felch was a school teacher.


Ganyard Home
Built around 1900, by Calvin & Pluma Ganyard.  It is located at the South end of the township on Sweet Rd. 
People in photo are: sitting - Pluma Ganyard, her daughter - Julettie Brainard, and her 3 daughters - Wilma, Esther or Easter, & Bobbie.


Monroe TownHall & M.E. Church
Monroe TownHall was built on 1/8 acre of land bought from William R. & Brittann Hardy about 1870. A condition of the sale was that the Trustees were to forever fence their eastern & Northern Boundaries.  
Take note of the dirt road in the top photo.



Grocery Stores of Monroe

Past Businesses

Monroe Twp. Map about 1870

Monroe Twp. Map 2002