Monroe Township, Ashtabula Co, Ohio

Past Businesses

Monroe School Program - TOM SAWYER 1959
Grocery Stores
Race Track 1940
Past Families of Monroe Township
Kelloggsville 1874
Kelloggsville Bridges
Bushnell House & Tombstone
Past Businesses
Map 2002
Map 1870
Homes & Business Photos
Monroe Police
Monroe Grange Kids
One Room Schools
Monroe School Class Photos
School Photos
Monroe 4H
Monroe Tigers Year Book
Clarks Cor. School
Monroe Methodist Church
Cemetery Records
Cemetery Diagram

At one time Monroe Township was a hub of activity. 

L.B. Howard, Manufacter of and Dealer of all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, etc..... Located half mile north of the Center. 
George Tuttle operated a sawmill on the N.W. corner of Hilldom & Rt. 7.
Padden Mills was a grist mill & a saw mill in 1807 and used the falls for a power source.  It was located at Hatches Corners Rd. & State Rd., North of Kelloggsville.
Mr. Padden & Mr Wm. Frazier built a distillery South of the Grist Mill. 
Cheese Factory located in the Village of Kelloggsville at the end of Church St. just West of Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd. (that part of the road no longer exists).
Baker Pine Lodge located on Church St. (I think), Lottie Ann Hill converted a large home into a rest home.  It was named for the large Pine trees in the yard and in honor of the former owner of the residence E.P. Baker. 
The Tannery from 1870 was located on the East side of Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd., just South of School St. & before the creek.
Hitchcock & Felch, Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Country Produce, etc..... Monroe Ctr. 
J.G. Vosburgh, Proprietor of Vosburgh Cheese Factory built about 1870, located just South of Monroe Ctr. Rd. & George Felch's Store.  The factory produced between 50,000 to 100,000 pounds of cheese annually.  It was later owned by Mr. Rutherford who bought milk from the farmers for one dollar per hundred pounds.
W. P. Joiner, Proprietor of Union House & Dealer in Groceries & Provisions, 2 mile East of Kelloggsville.
The Joiner House, was a Stage Coach Stop & Motel, located at the South East Corner of Rt. 84 & Rt. 7.
Joel B. Clark, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, & General Merchandise, two miles E. of Kelloggsville.
G. Sweet, Proprietor of Steam Sawmill & Manufacturer of all kinds of Hard & Soft Wood Lumber, located 2 1/2 miles S.E. of the Ctr.
E. Cool, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Lumber, Shingles & Mill Feed, located 1 1/2 miles South of Kelloggsville.
James W. Reed, Resident Farmer & Stock Dealer, Located at Reed's Corners.
Gee & Everts, Stock Dealers, located one mile South of the Ctr. 
J. Benson, Dealer of all kinds of lumber, Monroe Ctr.
A. Curtis, Farmer & Stock Dealer,  located 1 1/2 mile East of Kelloggsville.
Samuel Mitchell, General Blacksmith. Horseshoeing & Job Work promptly attended to, 3 1/2 miles S.E. of Monroe Ctr.
H.M. Cook, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, etc... Clark's Corners.
C.S. Hawkins, Photographer, & Dealer in Oval & Square Frames.
H.D. King, Pastor of First Congregationalist Church.
S.S. Bushnell, Proprietor of a store built in 1845 at the North Center also know as Reeds Corners at the N.W. corner of Rt. 7 & 84. Later it was ran by I.P. Felch & J.R. Ingalls, then by Lucy Moores.  It was torn down about 45 years ago when Rt. 7 was widened.
Felch & Ingalls were the first Automobile Dealers in the area, selling Fords. They also operated a bank and a post office in this same building.
Farmers Union built a store about 1850 at Monroe Ctr. on the corner of Monroe Center Rd. & Rt. 7 which was later operated by B.F. Hitchcock and in 1917 by Sam Wilkerson. It burned that winter and was replaced in 1922 by Guy Mattison, purchased by M.M. Simons in 1924, operated by him until 1945, sold to Straley Reger, then to Emory Shobe who sold to Maurice Bennett.  It is now closed.
General Store owned & operated by Roy Lewis in the late 1800's was located on the S.W. corner of Furnace & Hatches Corners Rd.  It was later owned by Eliott Kimball & W.A. Kimball, then by Lee C. Huston.  It burned in 1925. 
A Dance Hall, Church, Rudlers Store, & Post Office were all located at Riggs.  Also known as Hammonds Corners.
John Moss owned and operated a store North of  Hammonds Corners on Middle Rd. in the 1880's.
Monroe once had it's own baseball team in 1884 and our own police force.  
Tinker's Hollow - The Tinker family came to Monroe about 1810 and built their first machine shop where  the threshing machine and the left & right hand plows were invented.  They built their first Foundry around 1836 and made their famous rust proof cast iron.  The formula still remains a secret today. Several monuments in the cemetery are made of this special metal. 
On the N.E. Corner of Church & Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd., was the last Restaurant/Inn operated in the Township. It was ran by Elizabeth Clute.  It closed around 1920. 
The first brick residence was built in 1824 and was later referred to as the Old Brick Tavern.  Located on the S.E. Corner of Kelloggsville Ctr.
Dr. Jacob Vosburg, was the first Doctor who located in Monroe one mile NE of the Village, in about 1819.
The Woodbury Shop, Mr. Woodbury was a shoemaker and later became a general repairman.
2 Sawmills were located at the West end of Root Rd. near the covered bridge.
The Willows was a dance hall owned by James & Lena Stowers was located on the N.E corner of Hammonds & Rt.7. During the 1930's dances were held there and they had a beer license.  When the township voted dry the hall closed and was later moved across the road and made into a home
The First Post Office was kept at the store of Kellogg, Dean, & Bloss built in 1821 or 22, located in Kelloggsville - Amos Kellogg, Postmaster
At one time there were 3 Post Offices in the Township,  located: Kelloggsville, Charles S. Hawkins, Postmaster
Monroe Ctr., H.F. Hitchcock, Postmaster
Clark's Corners, H.M. Cook, Postmaster
Now there are none.  Our mail addresses are now divided between Conneaut, Kingsville & Pierpont.
In 1872 there were plans to run a railroad track through Kelloggsville.  But some of the older residents did not want the noise so it was not built.  From that time on the village declined as more and more businesses moved out.

Homes & Business Photos

Monroe Twp. Map about 1870

Monroe Twp. Map 2002

Monroe Police Association