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Monroe Township, Ashtabula Co, Ohio

Monroe Twp. Map about 1870

Red Circles O are school locations.
Road differences from then till now:
Around this time Hammonds Corners Road extended to Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd.
Adams Rd. stopped just before Hammonds Corners Rd.
There was another small road (Unnamed at this time) off Hatches Corners just East of Middle.
Monroe Center Rd. did not have the curves in it.
Caleb Ave. did not exist.
Church St. was extended past Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd.  (The Cheese Factory was at the end of this road.)
A couple other roads were not named to my knowledge.
Kelloggsville was the first settlement.  It was first named Ferguson Settlement after 3 Ferguson brothers who purchased land in the area.  Wm. Ferguson sold his land to Amos & Martin Kellogg.  James & George Ferguson also sold their property and moved from the area.  It remained Ferguson until 1814 until the first mail route from Warren came through.  Amos Kellogg became the first postmaster and used part of his home as a post office and the name of the settlement was changed to Kelloggsville.  This was a very prosperous area, having Stage Coach Lines, Hotels, Doctors, Stores, Sawmills, Gristmills, Tanneries, School and several other places of business.
Bushnell, originally called North Center and then Reed's Corners was named for S.S. Bushnell who operated a store about 1845.  His home was located about 1/2 mile on Rt. 84 West  on the North side where it still stands today. This area had a StageCoach Inn, Store, Bank, Post Office, School, Ford Car Dealership.
Clark's Corners, had a Church, Store, School, Blacksmith Shop, Livery Stable, Grist Mill, & a Cider Mill.
Hammond's Corners, also known as Riggs was named after J.C. Hammonds. He and his 3 brothers settled here.  He operated a Store & Post Office.  There was also a BlackSmith Shop, School, Dance Hall, Church, Rudler's Store.
Monroe Centre, became the location of the Town Hall. There was Churches, Stores, Dance Halls, & a Post office here.


Past Businesses

Homes & Business Photos

Monroe Twp. Map 2002

View Kelloggsville 1874